Aside from providing visitors with a pleasant and welcoming environment, the client also required that the car park floor finish be tolerant to raising ground moisture. For this, they chose to use Flowcrete’s Deckshield LBD to protect, repair, and transform the
store’s car parking facilities.
Over 11,000m2 of Deckshield LBD, a Green Label certified, polyurethane traffic coating system that incorporates a technically advanced polyurethane based dissipating moisture barrier was installed throughout the car park, ramps, and driveways.
Deckshield LBD is environmentally friendly and Green Label certified. Its properties ensure controlled dissipation of moisture vapour at the lowest basement car park levels, to guarantee a high-performing car park flooring system for years to come.
Deckshield LBD’s hard wearing and anti-slip finish was applied in shades of grey and yellow creating a watertight and seamless surface that is attractive and safe for drivers and pedestrians.